
snow banks

 pink-blue—golden fading light
  of a frozen winter’s dusk
loud footstepping crunch of crystalline 
  snow gets brittle if it’s cold enough

hands turning purple and freezing
  alternating left hand, right hand
realizing too late 
i forgot

Not this place, nor how to get 
  (here’s where I should turn around)

light’s fading quicker than
  the ache in my hands suggest
This is all the further I can
  go anywhere but her(e)

(at least it’s warm there)

each body an inferno waiting
  all you have to do

Choose to use what you’ve always
  having choices means 

What if I’m wrong and I get
  loosing yourself in the shrinking dusk
a frozen smile as the last glinting 

embrace of the sun slinks
  behind that grey cloud and
below these grey-brown branches

They’re not dead
  & neither are you.

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