She doublespeaks faster than
slingshot across the country
we strode on through forgotten
There are parts of this
some sons never rise
and others, we bask in the
eternal hope held hearts
squeezing like a scared child
on another plane destined for
some other time zones
Am I running fast or
Slowly and ebbing what remains
nothing ever really disappears
underneath this soil is
more soil, older and
memories held in that cold
wet earth smell of living
yet to be
Acting out and growing
from the lives already given
to all of us, ghosts
Of future's passed and pasts
yet we amble toward home
miracles are just waiting
New morning's breath
dry and rasping, but
free in a bed of one's own
making this all up as we
toward what oblivion
How does anyone greet death
every day a negotiated truth
stalemate bred of
I know you and I
too well we still
Hold on, I'm coming home
soon enough but never near
enough of this hanging
Knotted up into something
twisting and frailly trying to
stand up straight and embrace
That dark isn't always dark
nor light always light
I'm carrying more than I
can you keep this up
For how much longer must
we prove every day that love
lasts irrationally and proudly
repudiating death or freedom
How near, these neighbors
Who were those lives just
down the hall from now
something like 25 years ago
an hour south and its
some hearts never heal
oh yes, they keep beating
some untrodden path sought
so many new roads
empty and anything but
Forlorn is a matter of perspective
Vanishing points of the other
side by side and I'm back
a newer past and
say we just drive
a couple, thousands of
miles into a setting sun
our orbits aligned to a future
I'm writing in time to the
music of another solitary
lamplight warm and reminding
we made that together
You see colors fit together
and my unbroken
lines drawn in unconscious
connection is what we
Others don't know
can they even imagine
When our eyes closed the kaleidoscope
of this single breath of living
I am sitting here now crow's feet
and ebbing toward a still unknown
exactly the same as he leaping
abandoned and terrified from
rooftop to now I've forgotten
You can fly
some survival instinct inverted
by emotion and building a home
in a house on fire
Took my childhood
a lonely echo of the past
still living in the beating hearts
same now as then
But, not forever
past only present as long
as future remains
Unwritten and possible and unprescribed
the past a path leading anywhere
we choose left after right
The dead have no future &
as we still beating hearts &
fear & hope &
Whatever comes next will
be that same boy
leaping and frozen
a memory in the flesh
Standing as ever the imperfect
desperate for love and to be loved
eventually only to lie
with that same earth
Welcoming the still warm
blood pumping and occasionally
spilt along this
confused path toward
An absence always
a shadow so integral
transforming feeling into
some indefatigable weight
some motor propulsing
in time we all know it.