
as ever

i fill the quiet
other's words crowding out
on my own
under a shared roof
hungover and its not quite
the error loops wearing their grooves
deeper into me

I've sunk as far
away from the light 
sometimes seeing better
in these shadows 
artificial contrasts
no longer distracted and 
this is where the work happens

too often asking
to what end
glitching through life
knowing truth 
and denying 
the choices I make 
a denial of the inner
thoughts I can't share with


these empty pages
a living will 
against my own I continue
the hardest way forward 

and cut that desire path
right angles and
boy, time is running out

you're the same as in the memories
all of this is you
has been you
will be you
what do you do with it

what's left
interrogate the declaration 
there's no need for 

life has never fit so neatly
into any form
a constant micro
ebb and flow
even when the pieces of the whole 
how many countless other pieces
oscillating forever

parkinsonian tremolo
echoing across years
amplitude and frequency
tinnitus or static from sources
doesn't matter
the story is the same
only difference is

what perspective does
this distance from 
what came before
that was me
there, then

as is this, now


the 101

life is a minor chord of forgotten memories
on another highway
to where, i’m not sure

though the hills, green & rolling
and familiar in a passing way
these are not the same

heavy low, grey
ocean clouds
hanging about 
my head in these clouds

this endless stream
bodies hurtling through space
trapped in boxes
metal or otherwise

where are we going

vanishing point 
of some horizon
in a shrouded distance
is that even the horizon

where does earth end and sky begin
where do i end and you begin

white geometries 
embedded in organic memories
mysteries seen but never solved

unsure where this will all end
we all know
where this all ends

but that’s not for now
for now
another ribbon
black asphalt 

at the end
a new memory

at the end
not forgotten

like so much else



between here and there

peak summer swelter
and finally it returns
the rising before the sun and 
doing nothing else, can do nothing else
I write 
about you as always
except you always changes through
the years have left me 
advancing on some fronts and retreating on others
wondering where the border between
you & i; Us
and then, there's them
on the outside (or at least, the other side)
imagining only what they think
it must be true
a coward, heartless, cold
shoulders and backs turning
toward the end
but it didn't have to be this way

Overwhelming loss feeling your
Absent minded day to day and 
Never realizing the damage
We’re too old for this shit
Why can’t we find
That shared path is out there
In the gloom and shrouded from
Unseeing, unwanting eyes and hearts
You know the way as much as I 

Do you want it
Because my life is yours if
Just see my pain and 
We’re all a part of it in 
The other reels at our clumsy
Loving you is still easy
Naturally fitting together 
Funny how the frames almost
Nesting dolls of the persons
Who were we when we were
Together only a past tense 

I hope not,
But why
What impossible truth do I see in
Your heart so strong
But tender too are those nights
From memory and a peace 
Only possible in the warmth of 
Loving our nest 
No matter the storm outside 
Eventually we had to leave it
And lost ourselves and became ourselves
A part of the storm
Tossed and shaken
Reaching out for the other 
Furious or heartbroken 
The hand outstretched through the tumult
Offering safety and love and security
While the other tallies the wrongs
Balancing the ledger so that each time 
Holding only cost more


the ambiguity of breath

cast aside for fear
of moving into a future
i still have to write it
right this ship
it sways and rolls until
we're floating upside down
& the water rises to the floor

where is the bottom of 
this decade has been 
nothing but adrift
my self an amalgamated
island of dying kelp avoiding
being washed ashore and food for the 

am I bottom feeding
what sustains these efforts 
knowing the truth is 
exactly as she screams

He died today
last year
how possibly has this been
am I really here?

I don't know how to 
honor him, honor them
how much more should
how much more can 
I do anything 
right or wrong
you just have to keep going

it'll be messy
it'll be beautiful
it'll be sadder than even imagined

but only if you keep trying
keep moving
and when finally you find 
whatever soft spot 
in the heart of things
and you finally
let the walls crumble
and deep breathing

finally in that space
you are infinite
and even in the deepest 
peaceful rest and safety
the spirit moves


walking home

waking before the alarm
still in the dark
but clarity
'remember this'
i dreamt of walking home

it was never a home 
i knew though where i was 
coming from some far off place before the 
lights turn on and reality

sit in this moment
and feel whatever it feels
denial doesn't actually change 
you are whatever you 

such a tender feeling now
and I see you
smaller in the distant 
mirror reflecting the shimmering heat

the city recedes behind scrubby hills
rise and descending into that great
sandy plain 
an expanse of rock and dust
the occasional green hue holding 

faster and faster across this 
open the windows and feel the 
hot air amounting to 
best intentions are fucking nothing

what do all these dreams mean
you know exactly
it's not even avoiding 
the truth permeates the 
everything of living the last
one more time and 
finally the
we are at the mercy and 
the gratitude for 
a universe circling around countless others
and we 
the same a 
speck of
this sounds familiar and
there are no answers.

two days

the sadness of another
isolated grey morning dawning
realization that today is no
further down the road than 
yesterday i was one day younger
versions of myself never imagined
being where i am today; 

I really do love you
are probably better cutting ties
with the creature behind the keyboard
helps keep a distance between whatever
self-ish or self-less
it doesn't matter 
both see the world from a 
I can only imagine the tenuous
feeling shaky and when's the 
penny dropped for me
flashing on the screen
"I love you"

there was no fury
there was resolve
i am not going to let this end
all things do
as they, and we
and the trees and the sky 
and the birds in it
it's just a matter of perspective
I have just that
it's not just imagining
I know exactly how it feels to hold a thing
together we 
holding on, battling on
hope against the hopeless

can you surrender to 
i dreamt the most horrible 
i'm so sorry
not for loving you 
will remain with me forever
arrives whether we want it to or not

i fear death as much as 
anyone still wanting
to lead a particular 
this life has not been bad
i've been lucky

I've known beauty.

and whatever is the absence
i've felt
it arises in me without warning and 
like a spooked animal
the instinct is to run
away from the dark feelings
won't go away

but, they don't need to
welcome them, accept them
remove their power stares directly
the sun in my  
eyes closed and seeing the
opaque reminder that within

still beating, this heart
through feast and fallow
storm and calm
an anxious ceasefire in the small hours
slip through, pass by and 
gone forever

I don't want to be another ghost
nor to know another
life will always be with me
as i hope you will be
in perfect balance we teeter on this 
crest of the western mountain 
views into an ocean of clouds
hard to tell the haze from the shimmer
sea holds me mute
a pebble within
and as distant as any other

sharing an origin
the pebble, I, and the ocean
a recognition of the truth
of any life 
even where there is no life
in those trees though
they fucking breathe and fill
my deepest emptiness with
something never quite put to words
miss the point
I'm trying to say 
in the deepest forest of my 
memories are lies, unintentional

avoid the details
remember how to feel
feel to know which point on the map 
drawn from memory and ignoring the side roads 
backtracking from the rim of this 
canyons are earth in relief
the memory of this planet's past
lives are the same

i have changed
the course you choose
to ignore or reckon with
the reality is that
this is what I believe
in yourself accept the 
worse in every way, I'm
not quite free falling
not too late to self-arrest before
the great yawning ocean of air
i'm sliding toward oblivion
out of control 
the more i wait
the less likely

dig in and do something
ring the bell and 
make the earth sing
a resonance that carries on
long after the friction is applied
this life echoes
put it up to your ear and 
you can hear your past
selves screaming your name
move man, time is running 
out the door and into tomorrow
you never know until 
you try.


little creature

how do you burn down
the forest explodes
a billion twinkly shadows
shades of green overlapping
and in the middle
the perfect most tiny
elegant little 
flowers bloom in the 
strangest places make you
feel more like yourself
has been searching the same
we just can't quite
find what
never existed except
if you can dream it
stops being real the moment
walking away
down that same path 
is never the same as 
time before 
you moved differently
the wind tasted of a
different seasons
renewal is 
even the most fragile
little flower
has deep roots.

soon shall i

there's always more to come
sometimes the next minutes
turn into years and 
i'm 43 now
20 years ago and then some
windblown, rattle trap of
a condemned home 
is still a home
one that you want to 
leaving does't mean
sometimes that's just what comes 
next steps, there's no way round
the building built beneath 
these feet only work walking
forward is the only 
directionless a sea of kelp
floating cities of 
inidivual pieces fall away and 
washed on a shore
misunderstood and discarded
does the sea weap
salty tears covering so many
times our face next to
yours and mine pantomiming
some larger thing happening here
we're wrapped in a 
this is all so distracting
and time is running
are the words harder to form
to find a truth
who ever said there was one
what answer will satisfy
there is none.

i'm a big dumb
monsters under the bed 
haunting me since 
my memories 
of some things they
never faded
worn elbow patched
the wound is still there
now you go into the world
wearing a sort of armor
pierced hearts finding just
the smallest space between these 
ribs like the blinds fluttering
rattled by the atmosphere and 
shaken from some mid morning
the skies are still grey 
but with air so cool and sweet
you know there's light behind
we're all left by
someone will be there after
the fall is around the corner
turned toward which
ever love lasts
i really do still believe that
they can change the world
the words a window
representing some deeper 
longing, dying to live
and be loved
for exactly
yes, accept this 
for what I am, i am
healthy or sick the 
truth of 
is there anything left to
just say it
comes into this world and disappears into 
an ether of experience
unbothered, mute
to the immensity we
feel this thing
but the trees don't 
fucking child to be so
still caught in 
this loop of 
hoping that 
you were born anything

I'm just sitting here
and watching 
the leaves sway and 
dancing in the wind
shall i

maybe if i keep writing

eventually the answers will
fall out from this one may
irradiate my heart 
once and for all I sink
into the art
to living a life
some of the folks down
here things have turned 
however they do, they did
going back isn't an option
on the future is always a gamble
with hearts, the house holds
the secret we all know
time runs out and you'll never
waiting is suffering;

every single day undistracted or unplanned
there is no plan
for which ending
or is it a beginning
you must understand that they
two pieces of the same 
get close enough and every circle
a straight line between then
now I lost my way
and a new light rising on a new 
line of sight vanishing 
in a pinpoint of clarity
clarifying only that there is nothing
solid in the core of anybody
but the earth made us
returning to it sooner than ever
hoping for a reprieve that never
mind the darkest bits and 
what shines in the distance never
dullest thud of wind
knocked from my sails and drifting
a languid surface hanging lifeless air
and under the sea you know
a world beyond imagining
is all we got to get 
past a point where letting go
seems possible if only
strength comes from the 
moments that you remember after 
everything still makes me 
it's a kind of happiness
like for someone else
that was you, is that possible
more than you ever dreamed
a domain of fear
the darkened eyelids hinting at 
an inner life twisted and 
i've never been good at tying knots
are they scars on those trees
mending in acquiescence to forces
you only see them in relief
a shadow of past 
the wind howled this way
so i bent down and let the shore
drifting down a river whose
this isn't the end of of the line
maybe nothing more than a junction
one of so many little dots on this
could you chart your life
what story do you tell of 
is the articulation accurate and enough
to sustain you toward the next
the map point yet filled 
you've gone over the edge of the paper
it doesn't matter
the walls filled with memories
writing on any available surface
to catch the water as it pours out of the base
a sieve leaking and making a mess
better than bursting
you can't stick the balloon back together
it's best to ride the current higher and higher
hope is at best
we drift gently toward
some warm field, green and sweetly
humid rustling on a quiet save
the bees buzzing about
this business of 
biology won't be bettered
there's nothing to overcome
with me and we'll 
walking together for while
the sun sets eventually
to rise again
and whose hand then
are you holding?


it always matters

what am i supposed to do
nothing will happen unless
what if
could be
i’m not sure
signs are all around
not even signs, but glaring
directly, openly 
and yet, and yet
your tears well up, you balk
why is that
what truth are you seeking
what don’t you already know

maybe the unknowing is any future
course charted easy to see on this
heading in a different direction 
you’re choosing to fly into the cloud
which way is up, how close are the mountains

i had the worst dream last night
terror and pleading to please don’t
be responsible and accept 
that whatever happens next
on the page, you’re the one with the pen
ink to paper and suddenly
as if we’re all a little magic
idea becomes reality

it has been a hazy dreaming maybe 
half and half living
half measures eventually give way
through the valley the water must rush
gravity’s invisible hand, relentless and 
inescapable the ending of 
all stories like ours 
is the same as any before or yet
&yet &yet
there’s a light of hoping against
the deluge may be diverted
it doesn’t have to turn out 
the same essential life
forcing through the years
forging a path uncut
purposely going left when all else is right

in these lives
we are representative of 
the species has a knack for stacking the deck
against myself the odds aren’t
hope is greater than despair
nothing is ever that 
the world won’t end
until we end
and by then
it won’t matter.