
all the same

i see my reflection
in the black mirror
tired, heavy eyes
aged by indecision
isn’t it really
inaction a warm 
blanket of this middle passage
from some book
or poem
to make it all just right
just keep writing;

a thousand monkeys
on a thousand typewriters
and eventually this comes out
my sides are split open
and pouring 
from every pore
breathing something within
this world we 
find ourselves alone
most mornings before
the haze burns 
often a cool cloudy 
these are the warmest
nearest peace i know 
here is a complicated
only as much as you make it; 

i dance
and fidget
and anguishing minutes become hours
become months
and years later

how can the hurt be exactly
the experiences pouring in
the hurt pouring out
i need to purge
an immense clarifying
stop the clock
what has happened
a suspended animation 
product of constant rising and falling
an oscillation 
increasing frequency until 
pull back far enough and 
the parabola flattens

i am a hurt child
unequipped to share
unable to understand
the difference between
normal and not
knowing the difference between
war and peace
we never get to the point
there’s never, if you’re paying attention, 
inarticulate adolescent
the angst is better dressed
a parlor trick to distract
the forever truth knowing
our wounds 
won’t heal at the
hands of another 
no matter how warm
basking in the glow of the deepest
real love refuses 
ruled by the quantum ticktocking
of a knowing so deep
space and time 
when a thing is
it just is
bound by no clock
can also mean
bound by no expectations
can also mean
lasting a moment
or written about in a 
thousands of years from now
stardust will know
just as the child
what is
what is not
neither needing nor caring of
only seeks to sooth
understanding doesn’t change
or is not
doesn’t change 
the rising and falling

is happy
is sad
is both

stop trying to fix
how the past hurt
that child lives forever 
is gone and grown
into now 
soon to be gone forever
moving toward some 
carrying our shadows
weigh nothing more than stardust
and memories
and imagined pasts and futures
all the same

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