
it's different

with you, 
even if some of the words aren't
enough to draw a feeling
transcendent; words fail
(mine do)

the immensity of this
(we have)
a wellspring deeper than
description fails

it's a thing felt;
that love is universal; that we are
capable of
this universe of knowing
the other unlike any

but, this thing
to knowthe other
as one knows the self
and to love that selfsame other
is more than words
is every metaphor
is the grandeur and terror and risk
of existing

2/19/19 5.09a

I woke up and
Everything was wrong
Living in some empty
Nightmare world
Where I have everything
And nothing


we are

in this place
where all the conversations
needing to communicate
and I'm out here
floating in space
between us isn't so very
big as it seems

a change to be made
just as choices, we make
our future
doesn't have to go just one way

You may never read this.

cold sunlight of the morning

The first and 
last thought
of every day is of you;
Last words, what - understanding did we reach
in the foyer
Does this mean
the end is actually here
& I’m just not
Seeing or feeling or being
(in the same place); @ an end
must it be?

It’s overwhelming; these
Feelings, I can’t change
Having the wisdom to know
One from the other;
Patience a virtue, but not one
of mine, at least,
I know what I can and can’t
Control, an issue
The problem.
I can’t change nor
control how I
Ache in your absence.


do you do this

Rising and falling
My thoughts are usually
Of you
I am enraptured
Madly and deeply
In my heart; in a place
As I’ve been since first feeling
And knowing that
These hands held
Embracing in the dusk
Failing light of a perfect day

The fluttering by
Of a moment
That forever changed
In my life is before and since
Meeting you



I woke, searching
exploring the the recessed
Finding fog clearing, even in the darkness
And a clarifying, no, this is real

You are in this place
Time will tell

And nothing else, until  



Spending the day
Alone with the shadows
Of others and history
On the screen and in the sunshine
Passed before me, some
Crossing paths
I can feel the glance and I'm
Afraid to meet

Those feelings or these choices
I'm unwilling or unable to
Make something positive of this
To grow

I love you and don't want
To fly away and above into the mist
But I will
I don't need you

I want us.
We fit.

We share something so deep
That my words don't have any shine
There's nothing clever to say
The feelings are unvarnished

of itself

And I don't want to let go
Or make the decision to move on (apart).
I know I may have to.


she lost her faith
in me, at some point
I'm sure I pushed it to one side
or, being less
Maybe, she thought I was
other than I am

Meant for something more
more than what
is both transparent and opaque
more than trying to live honestly
and openly
and unreservedly embracing the
next morning seeing

But, too, playing a role to support as
thinking was required
other times, failing to see and
it's just the imperfection
of living

I stand, honestly
and unashamed of my trying
it was without reservation
without looking over the present
the person in my presence
I was not, am not
looking for better options

Were the expectations too high
did I, would i
have been better off
I have tried, have not always
success when it matter most
is hardest
I ache, thinking too much about
what we're losing
for no reason

There's time and space to grow
and not throw away the
side by side, facing the world
knowing the heart beating next
will always be there

yes, ee

Everyone said, ‘I’m sure she’s been true…’
To thine own self
How hard do we try
Or how close do we come
To that hazy future
Imagined, but unable to reach

How much of that inability
Is holding too narrowly to one course
Pursuing nothing more than mirage
As drowning in the waters at our feet
Until submerged and

Starting a new life
We are reinvented
Not so much
Maybe reincarnated
Still a version of the same basic model
Perhaps more knowing or understanding
Always still trying

Does this all mean, I haven’t
Anything of the world
And myself next to it
Occasionally within it

Comes a time
When choosing is the way
Since feeling is first; yes ee
But after comes the
To do or not
To hold on by letting go
And as we grow to fill the space
Left by absence
Do We become more
Or only, do I?
Does she
Can she
Remember the love we shared

I’m still tending the fire
Letting the embers smolder
I remember the inferno of
The other