
this will pass

we wanted the other to be the answer
a desperate wanting longing empty ache
there since we were the smallest 
memories of parents unable or unwilling

(we started the race with our laces tied together)

every relationship i've broken has been
different versions of the same story

(when will we learn)

there's time left to find a way, what's missing, where we need
mostly the work has to happen alone

(we're too ready to love)

patching over the holes with thinnest veneer
it wears each day until
the only way up is to tear it down 
framing exposed and seeing the whole thing
built in a haste by hands and hearts too distracted, too inexperienced, too lost

(they were so much younger than we are now)

fear fills the empty spaces
you wear this mask of invincibility, of freedom, of joy
the world, filled with those who love, who look 
to you, in you, they see a person, a way, an ideal

(oh, how I wish I were so free)

i see through the mask and love what it hides
we are messy things
arranged by the stars
perfect machines of flesh and bones, and feelings, and thoughts, and dreams
you have them, honor them

(when do we grow up and stop dreaming)

the doubt so deep into you
i think i know where
it all started before you had a chance to defend yourself
the light you shine into the world
what pours out of you is you
don't suppress it, or subvert it, or believe any less 

(you are a wonder)

i am not absolved
i did believe
i do not regret
that a trail ends alone and deeper in the forest than before
only means that you have the chance to find a way out
to slip into and become a part of the wherever and whatever

(you find yourself)

i know how much it hurts
you are not lost, you are not alone, you are not left
behind us are the voices
the earliest memories
love me, protect me, save me, hold me, want me, keep me warm

(they are not lies)

maybe in the wiring we can see how it falls
there's a part of me that will hold on forever
sadness is normal 
this gave so much
always more than the cost

(how much life can we fit into life)

there's joy in my heart
you put something back
together we float in the world
the updraft taking us and no better hand to hold
maybe the lasting beauty is that it doesn't

(nothing does, we know)

maybe forever as long as blood, red, and warm beats, can be found
we've both been sure

(did we have it before)

rolling over and grasping at nothing
my presence in relief
an outline of a memory
physical becoming space
am i strong enough to give you what you haven't asked for
air filling the room
breathing into those dusty dark corners
life filling like the most colorful
you there, floating, air in air

(you defy gravity)

we are survivors
a future 
hands held, pushed away
arms outstretched, or grasping in the continuing dark
thriving is a complicated question

(the answer lies within)

our emotions orbit this monster in relief
our foundations were chaos, absence, fear, uncertainty
deny, divert, cast the spotlight into my doubting self
the desire to master consumes our presence
it can't be defeated

(don't look away)

embrace all those parts of life that most frighten
i tell myself this and instead i sit here and write 
howling into the electronic ether a song that you may never read

(i hope you do)

and i hope one day you look behind 
see me however
do you see me
how do i look to you
what kind of creature do you construct in your mind
what fluttering in your heart rises when you think
how visceral does anything feel at this point

(are we numb)

there’s little new ground to explore, every blade of grass i've already named and can draw
my mind floods with memories and increasing understanding
few hidden corners of this interior world left unexplored
why doesn’t seem to matter as much

(how do we live inside and out)

the warmth of the sun i do cherish
under its constant glaring 
this damaged armor grown
it burns all the time

(i'm too sensitive)

did you mean what you said
any of the times
probably all of the times
maybe that's the truth
you manifest chaos and disorder into 
headlong life and pretending to not give a fuck
the universe doesn't protect any of us more than the others

(we're in this together)

time's running out
square to the fallacy
our ship is probably already sunk
on that bench 
all i wanted was connection

(to be seen by you)

you saw pain
pain isn't the only story
a love so incredible 
it wasn't possibly true

(i believed)

above me
a ten foot tall glowing
i saw beauty
more than 5 feet could ever
more than one place could ever
could i ever see anything else

(we were quickly loveblind)

have you ever been in a whiteout 
a thunderstorm so heavy 
i pedaled and screamed and the sky exploded
cacophony and blurring at the edges
peripheral lighting flashing 
green gauze illuminated 
soaked to the core and shivering
hair matted and no warning


the sky surrenders
releasing and underneath that rage 

(i was there)

what refuge appears in your dark eyes
which places, which persons, which you
do you know it
can you imagine or understand it
when i talk about peace

(i am raw vigilance)

reaching shelter doesn't make the storm go away
i was alive and calm and safe
the terror into awe and waiting 
in timeless awareness, present
those moments become
i am built of memories

(a moment made flesh)

no martyr, no saint, no villain, no plan
the grandest of them still end the same way
does it have to be
if we could just work it out
what would it take to realign 
pass through time and space
again parallel lines
so near as to appear a single
point in space
that's what all lines are
perspective is a funny thing

(you can wake with eyes closed)

this won't make it any better
easier to hear
lighter to carry
quicker to live through

(i see your strength and your fragility)

our limits further beyond 
most people carry at least 16 
we're tangled in a great knot
all dichotomies (except one) are false
no one is weak or strong
we're all everything

(all at once)

which of those inside have you squelched
try to silence any
they'll come back louder and demand
nobody can hide forever what they are

(what if i don't know what i am)

make & be art
you are to shine light
let whomever and whichever wants
the spotlight and i lose my nerve

(the audience so near)

i've hidden my empathy thinking it made me stronger
a lie exposed baring truth
a thousand volt live nerve
emotion becomes physical presence
the room shrinks
he locks the door and says

(look how you hurt her)

i come home 
showering the day just done
my mind wakes again
5am start to another
sun drenched days 
happy endings and everything should
we could be anything
we choose to be objects
hoping to become flesh
let the lava flow
the stream and stone a furnace without beginning nor end

(does it have to end in flames)

burning cheeks sunken stomach churning shame
too much that i’ve felt this 
product of wanting

(please approve of me)

radical acceptance is a necessity
my wounds bleed over every 
correction betraying an expectation unmet
a vine growing to resent it's own existence
crawling away from it's source
consuming whatever it can cling to

(the roots die when we stop watering them)

it’s possible to accept completely

(let go)

she saw me

(& let go)

there was nothing i could do
was being asked nothing
loss transmuted
into understanding

(forget what you want)

i can only see from these eyes
feel from this heart
a little calloused; beaten too hard, too fast, too ragged
it’s always been so raw
this living and dying thing
this breathing and loving thing
i am no mute, empty, flat, stolid
inscrutable, maybe 
from understanding, outside
to me, i know

(i wear armor)

there’s always ways through
a glance
you see me

(i am not alone)
some walls never fall
some have xray eyes
some can leap the highest barriers
some float above and don't even know there was a wall at all
some walls were built before we had a choice

(how much you do you know)

can you find your own center
what’s it like in there
are you happy in there
is there an echo
is there an ache
are you freezing
are you burning
how long did it take to find the center
who do you tell
what do you do
how do you get out

(what’s the point)

balance is maintained in our inner
do you hear the ocean 
put the shell to your ear and close your eyes
you're there no matter where
echoes of the life that used to live 
a hollowed out and sunken self
my eyes are always tired now

(i don't know where to go)

i turn inward
toward the dawn
i steal the small hours
like clockwork
the failing furry body keeping me company
i'm awake in the dark and basked in this glowing ember
he's unwell again
bad days are gaining on good
the faintest bluegrey background outlining wispy black
leaves of paper falling soon in that other place
the dying of the light
diffuse and sun streaked through a billion black branches
(fall we must before spring)

what does the road look like
i've pictured it
desert, plains, green, trees

(corn so tall this time of year)

more trees
hills and humidity rising
into mountains
into memory
the immensity of this earth and i amongst the fields
just another thing grown

(the cull comes for each)

there is no mania
the rising and falling 
nothing more than the tremors
an internal seismology 
the instrumentation indecipherable 
an internal universe unmeasured
just a frog in a boiling pot
occasionally the awareness dawns 
i have to jump

(the heat is always there)

together, we could live forever
do you really believe that
everyone needs a time out,
i am in this sadness 
past the apex of a turn too deep

(just waiting for the impact)
sailing blind and knowing 
the inky black waters 
however you imagine the present and future
we both know there's more below the surface than above

(are all martyrs true to the end)

some things
some people
some ideas 
are more than belief 

(they are truth)

here we are
what is our truth
are we living it
have we subverted it
denied it
is it really this complicated
with this much joy &

(does it have to hurt like this)

can the impossible be true
what's the difference between

(our deepest needs want)

whatever truth
we don't control
we can't control
some things just are

(our choice is simple)

you have tried so hard
you have been unwilling, unable, or defiant

(as have i)

belief in a middle ground
it's a canyon between the rims
can you fly without wings
i can see you on the other side
this rock on which we stand
with enough time and force
even the earth gives way
pieces crumble, are washed away 
or rebuilt 

(in turn, as necessary)

there's no miracle
only choice
do you love me
more or less 
every day dawns 
thinking of the last hours, minutes, moments
how long have we been here already
we can't survive it

(none of us do)

find the moment and live in the window breeze
cooling and always there to remind 
i know the difference between tragedy and
this enormous hurt
to look you into you

(we don't have to be this way)

i understand the damage done
you're past hurt 
now something inside wants
hurting back may feel powerful 
these moments pass
emptiness fills the space
another dark fog rolling in off the the shore
moored to this place because i've refused
the truth is 

(i love you)

(i have to go)

(this will pass)


walking home

waking before the alarm
still in the dark
but clarity
'remember this'
i dreamt of walking home

it was never a home 
i knew though where i was 
coming from some far off place before the 
lights turn on and reality

sit in this moment
and feel whatever it feels
denial doesn't actually change 
you are whatever you 

such a tender feeling now
and I see you
smaller in the distant 
mirror reflecting the shimmering heat

the city recedes behind scrubby hills
rise and descending into that great
sandy plain 
an expanse of rock and dust
the occasional green hue holding 

faster and faster across this 
open the windows and feel the 
hot air amounting to 
best intentions are fucking nothing

what do all these dreams mean
you know exactly
it's not even avoiding 
the truth permeates the 
everything of living the last
one more time and 
finally the
we are at the mercy and 
the gratitude for 
a universe circling around countless others
and we 
the same a 
speck of
this sounds familiar and
there are no answers.

two days

the sadness of another
isolated grey morning dawning
realization that today is no
further down the road than 
yesterday i was one day younger
versions of myself never imagined
being where i am today; 

I really do love you
are probably better cutting ties
with the creature behind the keyboard
helps keep a distance between whatever
self-ish or self-less
it doesn't matter 
both see the world from a 
I can only imagine the tenuous
feeling shaky and when's the 
penny dropped for me
flashing on the screen
"I love you"

there was no fury
there was resolve
i am not going to let this end
all things do
as they, and we
and the trees and the sky 
and the birds in it
it's just a matter of perspective
I have just that
it's not just imagining
I know exactly how it feels to hold a thing
together we 
holding on, battling on
hope against the hopeless

can you surrender to 
i dreamt the most horrible 
i'm so sorry
not for loving you 
will remain with me forever
arrives whether we want it to or not

i fear death as much as 
anyone still wanting
to lead a particular 
this life has not been bad
i've been lucky

I've known beauty.

and whatever is the absence
i've felt
it arises in me without warning and 
like a spooked animal
the instinct is to run
away from the dark feelings
won't go away

but, they don't need to
welcome them, accept them
remove their power stares directly
the sun in my  
eyes closed and seeing the
opaque reminder that within

still beating, this heart
through feast and fallow
storm and calm
an anxious ceasefire in the small hours
slip through, pass by and 
gone forever

I don't want to be another ghost
nor to know another
life will always be with me
as i hope you will be
in perfect balance we teeter on this 
crest of the western mountain 
views into an ocean of clouds
hard to tell the haze from the shimmer
sea holds me mute
a pebble within
and as distant as any other

sharing an origin
the pebble, I, and the ocean
a recognition of the truth
of any life 
even where there is no life
in those trees though
they fucking breathe and fill
my deepest emptiness with
something never quite put to words
miss the point
I'm trying to say 
in the deepest forest of my 
memories are lies, unintentional

avoid the details
remember how to feel
feel to know which point on the map 
drawn from memory and ignoring the side roads 
backtracking from the rim of this 
canyons are earth in relief
the memory of this planet's past
lives are the same

i have changed
the course you choose
to ignore or reckon with
the reality is that
this is what I believe
in yourself accept the 
worse in every way, I'm
not quite free falling
not too late to self-arrest before
the great yawning ocean of air
i'm sliding toward oblivion
out of control 
the more i wait
the less likely

dig in and do something
ring the bell and 
make the earth sing
a resonance that carries on
long after the friction is applied
this life echoes
put it up to your ear and 
you can hear your past
selves screaming your name
move man, time is running 
out the door and into tomorrow
you never know until 
you try.


little creature

how do you burn down
the forest explodes
a billion twinkly shadows
shades of green overlapping
and in the middle
the perfect most tiny
elegant little 
flowers bloom in the 
strangest places make you
feel more like yourself
has been searching the same
we just can't quite
find what
never existed except
if you can dream it
stops being real the moment
walking away
down that same path 
is never the same as 
time before 
you moved differently
the wind tasted of a
different seasons
renewal is 
even the most fragile
little flower
has deep roots.

soon shall i

there's always more to come
sometimes the next minutes
turn into years and 
i'm 43 now
20 years ago and then some
windblown, rattle trap of
a condemned home 
is still a home
one that you want to 
leaving does't mean
sometimes that's just what comes 
next steps, there's no way round
the building built beneath 
these feet only work walking
forward is the only 
directionless a sea of kelp
floating cities of 
inidivual pieces fall away and 
washed on a shore
misunderstood and discarded
does the sea weap
salty tears covering so many
times our face next to
yours and mine pantomiming
some larger thing happening here
we're wrapped in a 
this is all so distracting
and time is running
are the words harder to form
to find a truth
who ever said there was one
what answer will satisfy
there is none.

i'm a big dumb
monsters under the bed 
haunting me since 
my memories 
of some things they
never faded
worn elbow patched
the wound is still there
now you go into the world
wearing a sort of armor
pierced hearts finding just
the smallest space between these 
ribs like the blinds fluttering
rattled by the atmosphere and 
shaken from some mid morning
the skies are still grey 
but with air so cool and sweet
you know there's light behind
we're all left by
someone will be there after
the fall is around the corner
turned toward which
ever love lasts
i really do still believe that
they can change the world
the words a window
representing some deeper 
longing, dying to live
and be loved
for exactly
yes, accept this 
for what I am, i am
healthy or sick the 
truth of 
is there anything left to
just say it
comes into this world and disappears into 
an ether of experience
unbothered, mute
to the immensity we
feel this thing
but the trees don't 
fucking child to be so
still caught in 
this loop of 
hoping that 
you were born anything

I'm just sitting here
and watching 
the leaves sway and 
dancing in the wind
shall i

maybe if i keep writing

eventually the answers will
fall out from this one may
irradiate my heart 
once and for all I sink
into the art
to living a life
some of the folks down
here things have turned 
however they do, they did
going back isn't an option
on the future is always a gamble
with hearts, the house holds
the secret we all know
time runs out and you'll never
waiting is suffering;

every single day undistracted or unplanned
there is no plan
for which ending
or is it a beginning
you must understand that they
two pieces of the same 
get close enough and every circle
a straight line between then
now I lost my way
and a new light rising on a new 
line of sight vanishing 
in a pinpoint of clarity
clarifying only that there is nothing
solid in the core of anybody
but the earth made us
returning to it sooner than ever
hoping for a reprieve that never
mind the darkest bits and 
what shines in the distance never
dullest thud of wind
knocked from my sails and drifting
a languid surface hanging lifeless air
and under the sea you know
a world beyond imagining
is all we got to get 
past a point where letting go
seems possible if only
strength comes from the 
moments that you remember after 
everything still makes me 
it's a kind of happiness
like for someone else
that was you, is that possible
more than you ever dreamed
a domain of fear
the darkened eyelids hinting at 
an inner life twisted and 
i've never been good at tying knots
are they scars on those trees
mending in acquiescence to forces
you only see them in relief
a shadow of past 
the wind howled this way
so i bent down and let the shore
drifting down a river whose
this isn't the end of of the line
maybe nothing more than a junction
one of so many little dots on this
could you chart your life
what story do you tell of 
is the articulation accurate and enough
to sustain you toward the next
the map point yet filled 
you've gone over the edge of the paper
it doesn't matter
the walls filled with memories
writing on any available surface
to catch the water as it pours out of the base
a sieve leaking and making a mess
better than bursting
you can't stick the balloon back together
it's best to ride the current higher and higher
hope is at best
we drift gently toward
some warm field, green and sweetly
humid rustling on a quiet save
the bees buzzing about
this business of 
biology won't be bettered
there's nothing to overcome
with me and we'll 
walking together for while
the sun sets eventually
to rise again
and whose hand then
are you holding?


it always matters

what am i supposed to do
nothing will happen unless
what if
could be
i’m not sure
signs are all around
not even signs, but glaring
directly, openly 
and yet, and yet
your tears well up, you balk
why is that
what truth are you seeking
what don’t you already know

maybe the unknowing is any future
course charted easy to see on this
heading in a different direction 
you’re choosing to fly into the cloud
which way is up, how close are the mountains

i had the worst dream last night
terror and pleading to please don’t
be responsible and accept 
that whatever happens next
on the page, you’re the one with the pen
ink to paper and suddenly
as if we’re all a little magic
idea becomes reality

it has been a hazy dreaming maybe 
half and half living
half measures eventually give way
through the valley the water must rush
gravity’s invisible hand, relentless and 
inescapable the ending of 
all stories like ours 
is the same as any before or yet
&yet &yet
there’s a light of hoping against
the deluge may be diverted
it doesn’t have to turn out 
the same essential life
forcing through the years
forging a path uncut
purposely going left when all else is right

in these lives
we are representative of 
the species has a knack for stacking the deck
against myself the odds aren’t
hope is greater than despair
nothing is ever that 
the world won’t end
until we end
and by then
it won’t matter.


all the same

i see my reflection
in the black mirror
tired, heavy eyes
aged by indecision
isn’t it really
inaction a warm 
blanket of this middle passage
from some book
or poem
to make it all just right
just keep writing;

a thousand monkeys
on a thousand typewriters
and eventually this comes out
my sides are split open
and pouring 
from every pore
breathing something within
this world we 
find ourselves alone
most mornings before
the haze burns 
often a cool cloudy 
these are the warmest
nearest peace i know 
here is a complicated
only as much as you make it; 

i dance
and fidget
and anguishing minutes become hours
become months
and years later

how can the hurt be exactly
the experiences pouring in
the hurt pouring out
i need to purge
an immense clarifying
stop the clock
what has happened
a suspended animation 
product of constant rising and falling
an oscillation 
increasing frequency until 
pull back far enough and 
the parabola flattens

i am a hurt child
unequipped to share
unable to understand
the difference between
normal and not
knowing the difference between
war and peace
we never get to the point
there’s never, if you’re paying attention, 
inarticulate adolescent
the angst is better dressed
a parlor trick to distract
the forever truth knowing
our wounds 
won’t heal at the
hands of another 
no matter how warm
basking in the glow of the deepest
real love refuses 
ruled by the quantum ticktocking
of a knowing so deep
space and time 
when a thing is
it just is
bound by no clock
can also mean
bound by no expectations
can also mean
lasting a moment
or written about in a 
thousands of years from now
stardust will know
just as the child
what is
what is not
neither needing nor caring of
only seeks to sooth
understanding doesn’t change
or is not
doesn’t change 
the rising and falling

is happy
is sad
is both

stop trying to fix
how the past hurt
that child lives forever 
is gone and grown
into now 
soon to be gone forever
moving toward some 
carrying our shadows
weigh nothing more than stardust
and memories
and imagined pasts and futures
all the same

the immensity

what is this weight
what is this sour taste
why does the sun not warm me
why can't i shake this shadow
why is every experience muted
what am i doing
why i am here
how long can i delay
what hope is driving this?

tilting at the same old
leaves starved for water
hanging inert in the stolid heart of
the summer sun
forcing retreat 

or am i advancing 
toward some
truths about ourselves
defy explanations
the expectations of others

what did we do then
what does anyone when 
navigating the within and without
& hours hurtling through space
sharing the landscape 
crawling across the horizon 
we feel like flying
tiny creatures humbled 

the immensity
what we surround ourselves
with hope and love and honest
opens arms welcoming
the future arrived so quickly

the weight

of love we burrowed into
and digging in the enemy is 
behind our lines lies
a truth in each chest
of drawers we rummage for pieces
this puzzle we’re trying 
to make it always means 
something gnawing a distance
between within and without
knowing that rock and i
am of the same stuff


it still hurts
so many times
each time i disappoint 
you don’t need to learn

there’s no 
right or wrong matters

so much less

peace seeks one thing, only
let it be

exactly as you are
exactly as i am

wearing my past 

it just hurts
i hurt

all i want 
to be.
accept this 
whole big stupid
as it 

maybe i need to lead
by example 
i do have some
revelations come 
a hint of light
hazy in the distant dark
realizing your eyes are adjusting
given enough time

suddenly in the stillness
a great clanging alarm

there is never enough time

a universe moving within
a swirling forever of 
how to live one life
inside and out

panic arising and 
then we paste over and 
distraction acknowledges 
you are distracted from some thing
sometimes running in place and 
heart thumping
why don’t these legs work

(they do)

what then
where’s the fault in the
we each a system
an automaton hiding the millions 
of little selves 
fight for supremacy
a zero sum game
no matter which lasts 

still isn’t forever
isn’t forever still(?)

have seen a better version
to push and pull in the same direction
no more Cheshire smiles
frown and cry and yell and laugh
each in turn
as they arise
and arms wide
accept it all.

stop aiming

anything other than itself 
is not itself.

some of me

some days they come
pouring out of me
in such a deluge that every
surface reflection turning
into an opportunity 
a need 

my words always more than

my life

at least

how should I live it
disjointed and shamblebodied?
do you remember that
was I ever that?

the words always only 
trying to lead this life
by turn i deny
every instinct
escapes but shrouded 
i’ve gotten good at
always have been
hide in plain sight
the words on the page
sometimes it doesn’t take too much
reading between the lines 
growing from some unknown 
originally the intention

what was it?
the same as before?

a parable paraboling across
a million words
sampling of
some ideas
some thoughts
some feelings
some of me

I cannot say.

do they matter

do they do any good
are my words worth anything to
a heart breaking
a soul straining under
the inescable truth of the 
oxygen in and out 
of these bodies they
are real flesh and blood and
words are only flashing 
indicators of unseen 
worlds within the flesh
unable to manifest
the wiring crossed, or corroded, 
or energized with a current
is too weak or too strong
limping along or blowing the breakers
of so many waves arriving
you forget it’s of all the same
ocean of living
is only ever going to be immeditate
caught in a rip tide
the current unapologetic
the other creatures buoyed by
however they are built
for this moment
some require surrender
to survive.

i have failed

at so much
i wish i hadn’t
if i could go back
time travelers,
what would you change?

is the truth of now 
in that reflection
of the past

(it is.)

I wouldn’t change much
but each 
erasing today
an impossible dream

open your eyes and surrounded
the light of this day
arrives here only once

(some nights last for years)

what’s the truth
of the past
of those things 

those things
could’ve happened, 

other ways
are always possible

in your mind is a 

logical fallacies 
stories told to oneself
only knows for sure
why are you sitting where you are

is the only possible product of all those

today is and no other

anything was possible
an infinity of alternatives
(i would have done)
what’s the difference?

is knowing the difference
those in looking behind
and which 
would you choose the same
a second time around 

we don’t exist except 
for now

i’m beginning to get
accepting how you’ve
(have you)
into a person

closer to accepting
that failing 

some things take 
a lifetime is filled with so many
constantly iterating an existence
toward the same end 
as any other
regrets to share
only that I know
some choices
I would change
others, no
none, possible
today is
all there is.



what capacity do I have
let it all run out
sand through the hands of a man
i'm dying of thirst
for some 
the pieces fit together
nothing has ever been easy
streets paved with golden
it's the sunsets of places
each a character of 
be your own 
own your being
at peace
is war all there is to 
now, at the crossroads
here before me a familiar

how to fucking live this life

a wave of the deepest 
what if anguish and longing
for what might've been
too long, i live in this
moments most vivid
the interstitial consciousness of
it's all gotten too much, too complicated
matters of the heart

i am a fucking disaster
the exclusion zone
thousands of desolate acres
in the middle of the irradiated
forest grows on 
impervious to knowing
what harm hangs in the air
the only way to clear
everybody, get out
sides picked and 
waiting in this little clearing
the animals alight and 
then bounding on broken
limbs are strong until they
aren't we, can't we
struggle on forever
peace may be

illusions of lost chances
pangs of an imagined
future worlds crumbling
in nowhere but your own
mind the gap between now and then
before or after
only existing in your mind

what feels tragic
to me
is invisible to the earth
outside of 
you own 
your own
heart and mind and soul
acceptance and control 
do not align

as is 
should be
denies it, 

so, where then
what then
is left
i am not right, nor
is anyone
just is as is
they are
i am.

a single truth
is my folly
hoping to arrive at
something that will 
make it all make sense 
all i've ever wanted was answers
something to calm
something to soothe 
something to
help me understand
but, that's just
it's all too big
too close
you're zoomed in and missing the fuller
picture a future
where does it feel right
what's left in this life
in that imagined 
willing yourself to anywhere 

other than here 
in your mind
you can fly away
a butterfly fluttering by
in and out of the shadows on a 
late summer 
afternoon sun beaming 
and we retreat into the shadows
curled on cold stone
find the floor and holding on
until the next setting
of our sun.


flashes of life

are all I have really, 
these fleeting memory moments
in sum adding to a 
life lived not exactly
me, more
a reminder of a version
a character's story unwinding
roads meandering across miles
and years, decades of storylines
eventually converging to a single
spec of time
exists only
i can see it
a sweeping history
narrowing to the faintest, tiniest
a pinprick of light in the moment
exploding into an entropic 
future unknown
scope of this life
is yet incomplete
memories roll and rumble 
connected, one leading to the next
doesn't convey an order
understood by anyone
outside of this body
tells the story:

organic washed out tones and soft shag
see under the table and straining to reach
some salvation as the 
disastrous cacophony
wall shaking
pleading to please 

I'm flying
unbound by gravity and incoming
faith leapt toward
salvation cold to the touch and 
covered in coal dust
of memory unsure
which came before; 

that wall
integrated in my mind
a map of previous
wild running
I am hurt, but
i do not hurt
protected by providence
the sky opened and 
sustaining life, but oil slicked
roads and drink and speed
and careening for exactly 
me, but 
I remember how the body
crumbled and 
fractured fiberglass and
shattered glass
and bent metal, 
my body whole and bounding down
to wherever was next; 

so many ghosts
that brick shell standing
we crawl inside
exploring the damp
lives brought into and out of 
this physical world it fought
the immutable laws
of life in that neighborhood
held us all in the same contempt
just under the surface
realizing which
side of the tracks are you 
standing now
2500 miles away; 

I went at some point
up the mountain
freedom of a sort
air tasting different
kind of alone
surrounded by something
unknown until feeling undeniable
I felt at home;

left behind
up a ribbon of asphalt curving 
my circulatory system alive in those 
green hills rolling less
into the built world
at first all the pieces into place just
so, I was set
in theory only works
becoming second nature to 
is quitting a necessary step to every
there was one;

there was no quitting
some things last
thought i have each 
dreaming of a time and place
and those faces
never downcast in 
memories live forever
eventually happens that
we keep growing
older in some ways and 
younger selves imagining a future
filled with what 
i wonder how near or far
today is from yesterday’s


i can hear the flickering

of the film 
a constant tick ticking
becoming a muted organic flutter
in this heart and belly
the memories on a screen
watching the characters
so familiar
what stories are they going
tell me your wisdom
is learning from the past
lives trapped behind a screen
and safely distant from
what an exceptional 
who was that kid?

I can picture you
balanced, beaming smile 
and those glowing warm eyes
unencumbered by what waits
the future is her home
what kind of gifts are 
the lessons unlearned by them
so that we know their shape 
a silhouette of what should’ve 
i’ve been there
or near there

your there is yours and mine is mine.

 aches just the same, but different
shadows are hard
what casts those 
borders of light and dark
your eyes adjust eventually
you don’t even realize
the difference between light
shadows only exist 
in each, sometimes more comfortable 
we don’t really choose
the heavens move of their own

what accord
is there harmony to be had
does the resonance become
less trill closer
nearer to thee I cannot 
hear the droning
thrumming of an eternity’s
past, present, and future
we flip a switch
and finally, 
the show’s beginning
lights and life flickering into 
something was no longer 
this a story i’ve 
lived before?


you said,
sometimes are perfect
we roll in the tide of just
living limited times
what’s left over after so many
leaping over the edge
rises how many feet
dangling in the ocean
of sky blue, below
or is it above
the inky darkness of
unknowing is as likely as

there is no undoing
it continues to unravel
or maybe, we unspool
a wondrous tangle of the 
most brilliant colors
you feel as much as
can you even see them anymore
has it all gone bluegreygreen again

is impossible
home is never a place to go
back to front I’m never sure
which direction to pull out
of this spinning earth
and the glance of a forever
some are
just that, knowing acceptance of

the golden glow of late afternoon
and late summer
in this transition the same
hearts, but
each beat knowing the countless previous
as only
necessary memory; the pathway
to nowhere, but 
here a monolith
weathering and sunfading
warm thoughts in places so often
hiding from the solar 
storms exchanged for 
familiar blankets hold us
warm and safe no matter how


a towel thrown in
or is it running
zigzagging away from my 
truths are supposed to be 
what about self?
accountable to what
the feelings welling or 
emotions derailing the simplest
joys can be had

lost and found again
but you have to look
where is most likely
inside or out
there is a scary imagining
life unattached from anything
but my internal compass
the needle spinning as if

peace in the eye of the 
storms hidden from all 
but the most perceptive
hearts can feel it 
can't ever really be 
hidden fears and hopes
I've so many of each
time I'm at the threshold

transforming into 
an impassable dark forest
explored from the safety 
this worn out perspective
doesn't develop with age
clarifies nothing more than
a light shone on the breadth
of what this experience grows

where the fuck is this going
i am lost and on a path
eventually ending in a lost city
a gold tinted and fuzzy remembering
even the worst times
present always playing second 
choices to move from and toward
what focus is drawing in
close your ranks and 
close your eyes and 

to run

the future

is always

a gauntlet 

coming out the other
sides aren't chosen
they just are
an endless rolling tide
of whatever happens next
must be next 
corners and we choose 
left or right
the Tetris of life
block by block 
it builds up, they fall
into place
some more elegantly
i stumble, but
always forward

thinking; there's always the reset
but, how many do-overs do we
get some new batteries
all sold out, but 
maybe we find a way
recharging and charging
headlong into 
whatever around the corner
is ever
the next gauntlet


what have i

is this already done
and dusted a patina covering
what began so shiny and 
new love is always perfect love

lasts as long 
as breath continues filling
a balloon bursting inside
my chest alternating between
fluttering and an 
ache of the first morning’s dawn

at the time so many
our small steps and tentatively 
believing the unbelievable

a Universe aligning 
the light pouring through the most
perfectly straight lines 

an infinity between the 
deepest blood red of 
histories unknown, but sympathetic 

a harmony of hurt
suddenly salved under that
cautious plague sky

Crisp blue and perfect 
we’ve been here before

you and he and she and i 
and each i, in each 
memories live forever

to be forgotten is 
an impossible past 
improbably but precisely
could have been no other

Life led but this 
determination an incalculable product of
choices &

Is there a difference?

Between you&i
there is no space for (Us)
the creature in the mirror
is the same as when we 
close your eyes and imagine

it’s the easiest thing in the world
apart we lived the alternate version 
of the other
the same
i spelled backwards is still i 

bearing, carrying the
black and blue and red of our own 
souls straining against this
life, offering nothing
more than


once more

 into the breach I 
throw myself down the stairs
 & knowing that to ascend
a building momentum 
impelled by an unknown
(is it really though?)

we know exactly how most
stories you grab hold of
those dreaming alone times
remembering and realizing
only after they’re gone 
how close to fairy tales
you might’ve lived

if all life was just living
and loving
and free
(i have never been free)
chasing, being chased, trapped, 
by nothing more than the unasked
unmasked in the worst of times
energy within that drives
this whole life

to what end though
there is only ever one
to say things fall apart
of me wants absolution
I am not the bad guy
there is neither
all regrets are avoidable
choices are made even
unable to choose
life runs on and then, 

no matter if 
then what, always
needing to know 
what are the contingencies
there’s no safety in it
ever, because ever eventually
is forever
the sun sets on these


i am trembling

at the though of it
maybe I should wait and see
until a hundred more 
sleep on it 
this life is daydreaming
fugue of in between and 
torn in two
halves of the same million 
pieces making all of us 
something more than meeting the 
eyes, impossible to read
though utterly beautiful

i have no truth 
aside from the heart
a clarifying ache impossible 
to reconcile

how to walk away
an emotional amputee
looking for some quiet safe place
somewhere I have felt peace
what kind lasts?
more than those minutes 
moving from one memory to the next
stepping stones chosen 
my feet are my own
whatever choice arises must be
making a path of my own design
has never been a strength
in only surviving 
life as it passes by
chance playing its role
and recognizing my own
i am trembling.


no answers

are given, nor expected
the ache within realizing 
bottomless capacity for enduring
hope for the intervention
of a universe at best
allowing us to stumble along 
what path we've lost ourselves
on our way, a clearing
the fog lifting 
on a tableau impossibly 
understood as a heartbeat
just there
neither beginning nor end
a cascade of moments
propelled by some molecular, 
some visceral
stardust passing through 
from origin to destination
both unknown, unseen

despair crowding out the 
possibility for joy
must not lose sight
of that horizon
where unknown maybes
still reside and 
parables inscrutable
until time is too short
another little pinch 
in my heart at the
realizing, i 
am only i,
& I is nothing more than
a memory projected into 
a space never occupied
is past & future
all one
all we know
we have
no answers.



I've been preparing for this
days an unbroken chain
wrapped up in the rising
& falling
Forever until ever arrives
sooner than my blood has 
for me only stop motion
snapshotting past lives
shared and lost

Recognize these days as
presents bound together
through an understanding
few are aware enough to know
there's so many different
inflections through this in and out
breathing life
into the ether I'm slingshot
and slipshod
but seeing how this curve
diverges and vanishes at some 
alternate point beyond seeing
from one sunsetting
in presence of each
streaming consciousness shared
with the other
inevitably to become an other
lives past led
and surrendered


I can see him standing there

Sill resting so often
needing neither light nor dark
a permanent memory
written in the physical world
grooves worn so deep into the flesh
of experiences; narrow;
but alive even after 

The soundtrack of 
those past lives
alight and breathing sweet tobacco
air held cloying on the skin
reminding you of exactly
from whence and wherefore 
You exist.
the product of memories
Once (and again) visceral.

Staccato cobblestone thrum
as an anxious heart
beating now and only
because their’s did so
at last we find the bottom
of things so easily seen
from such a distance
but never giving the 
attention to the truth of 
this family, an afterlife for
40 years
days and nights passing
shuffled from the same deck
And along the same narrow path as 
His father.

All things gathered
eventually, inevitably dispersed 
Out of entropy arises from
intentions waning and 
following the path cleared 
momentum’s own gravity
holds order until
the scales tip and kinetic is less than
finds it’s zenith in the depth
of the heart’s chaos

Here, it is from which
we grab the compass’s waypoint
and go
building a new momentum
and the gravity of each movement
Spilling life into itself
the heart beats still
impelled by
the perfect 
kinetic and potential

Our energies 
in constant balance
never all or nothing
even if memory’s only marker
is one never again seen
because it once was
it will
Ever be.



You've no idea how
    sharp the sounds approaching
my heart from your
    feeling are true and
escaping your mouth to batter
    the tenuous bonds of our
time together is waning and
    that's no tragedy
would've been to not try
        to let each other drift apart
as if those cosmic months
    never happened
would my life be better
    or worse it doesn't 
        really matter
we're here now and doing
    what we can to stay
        afloat and together

10.17.2021 #4

I don't know what I believe anymore
    an empty vessel drifting 
unmoored from the earth that
            restrained by reassured
nothing more than a disoriented mass
    of synaptic maybes and
the constant pit in my stomach
    the heaviness of chest holding
    back a beating heart
    running, racing from fear
from the fear of knowing 
that there are only so many
    more of these beats to give

Take me as I take you
            give unto the other with
            complete trust nothing more
        than the self imposed maybes you
            can't ever fucking square.

We're all just so many hoping
        creating knowing that we
            don't, won't, can't
bear to face each other in the 
            clarity of that light allowing
        forcing a choice to move one
            way and not the other 
                seconds to waste belong
            to a past where this
                kind of shit was novel.

10.17.2021 #3

What are these weapons we
            carry with us the inconceivable 
death accompanying life
    our weapons pointed directly
at hearts stabbing in the dark
    and bleeding on one another
because we know we can
            because we know we must
                        because we know that
times cares not for how much
            we know or love or 

I love unreservedly
            but I live cloistered 
in a cage of my own design
    to be at odds with each moment
        of each breath, I am
against it all and myself
            most of all
Is there peace to be had in this
Can balance be found before
    acceptance can be catalyst
Can be perfect; a broken
    heart hopefully not ossified
    frozen in between beats
and unable to pump this
    life into warmth and 
sunrising moments where
feeling isn't just first but is
    only and completely and 
    trusted as I do the next 
breath will fill lungs and heart
and brain firing, mis-wired
    though it may be at times

Resonance with the abstract
    made real and running because
it is alien and unknown and 
the mis-wiring keeps clarity at
    bay keeps understanding the other
        nothing more than a wish
a hope that one day the 
    churning maybes against which 
I strain to breath may
    finally relent finally
an understanding and more
    why can't we accept ourselves
and the other's    
            expectations unmet
and the overwhelming sense 
    of nothing more than disappointment 
nothing more or less than balloon 
    bursting and kid's dreams failing
to become reality because
we live too much apart
from what actually is and 
    is not this enough to
try, to love
            may not be enough.